集裝箱本身限重 每個集裝箱的開箱門上都有最大限重的信息,如MAX GROSS :30480KGS。意思就是說你的箱子連箱帶貨不能超過這個重量。皮重--20GP:為2200KGS,40為:3.720-4200KGS,個別有的HQ會有...
時間: 2018-04-26 | 編輯: haik
南美最大港口桑托斯港(Santos)和其他港口再次舉行罷工,本周Receita Federal(巴西聯(lián)邦稅務總局)海關的財務審計人員將加緊罷工,對未能解決的工資和福利問題與巴西政府進行抗議。在過去的一年多以來,桑托斯港...
時間: 2018-04-26 | 編輯: haik
GLA Brazil membership-AMS Transportes Internacionais Ltda詳情>>
Dear Friend, good day We have the honor to announce that AMS Transportes Internacionais Ltda joins GLA family as Brazil membership. If you need service from/to Brazil, you can cont...
時間: 2018-04-25 | 編輯: Amy
GLA Jordan Membership——Logistics Terminals Freight Services詳情>>
Dear Friends, good day We have the honor to announce that Logistics Terminals Freight Services become GLA membership in Jordan. If you need service from/to Jordan/Iraq, you ca...
時間: 2018-04-25 | 編輯: Amy
LOI(LETTER OF INDEMNITY)提貨擔保與WOT(WARRANTY OF TITLE)保函同為進口原油及相關產品貿易中開立信用證時要求提交的一種單據。在國際原油交易中,因單筆交易金額高,通常貨...
時間: 2018-04-25 | 編輯: haik
注意啦!注意啦!廢銅、廢鋁、廢鋼等固廢2018年底禁止進口 生態(tài)環(huán)境部、商務部、國家發(fā)展和改革委員會、海關總署同發(fā)了一則關于調整《進口廢物管理目錄》的2018年第6號公告。 公告顯示: 為進一步...
時間: 2018-04-25 | 編輯: haik
時間: 2018-04-24 | 編輯: haik
GLA India and Uganda membership - Welgrow Line India Pvt Ltd詳情>>
Dear Friends, good day We have the honor to announce that Welgrow Line India Pvt Ltd join GLA family as India and Uganda membership. If you need service from/to&...
時間: 2018-04-23 | 編輯: Amy
GLA Italy membership - Alpentrans Logistics詳情>>
Dear Friends , good day We have the honor to announce that Alpentrans Logistics joins GLA family as Italy membership. If you need service from/to Italy, you ca...
時間: 2018-04-23 | 編輯: Amy
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